Ian at the Park (May 26, 2003)
Lily at the Park (May 26, 2003)
The little princess in DisneyWorld (January 2004)
The Princess & Peter Pan meet Snow White (January 2004)
Oh, no! A monster! (January 2004)
The family with Peter Pan during the Family Magic Tour (January 2004)
Ranger guarding the slide (July 2005)
Deborah and the kids in Aspen (Aug. 2005)
The kids with Papa on top of Ajax (Aug. 2005)
The kids with Barbara on top of Ajax (Aug. 2005)
The whole family (Aspen Aug. 2005)
Lily at Wildcat (Aug. 2005)
The Andy Griffith Show? (Aspen Aug. 2005)
The kids and a friend (Snowmass Aug. 2005)
The kids and the sky (Snowmass Aug. 2005)
Deborah (Aspen Aug. 2005)