And the Endorsement Goes To:
So tomorrow is (finally) primary day and it's time for me to decide who I'm going to vote for. I must say that, as much as I want to vote in the Presidential primary, it is very tempting to cross over and vote in the Republican primary just so that I can vote against Dan Burton (which would mean a vote for Dr. John McGoff). But, as much as I dislike (loathe? detest?) Dan Burton, I'm going to have to leave that race aside and focus on the Democratic ticket.
The first race is for Governor. I've decided to vote for Jill Long Thompson. My decision is based, in part, on my perception that she knows what she's doing (at least more so than does Jim Schellinger) and, in part, on my perception that Jim Schellinger has no clue what he's doing. I think that a viable Democratic challenger can give Mitch Daniels a good race and I just don't think that Schellinger is that challenger. I'm not sure that Jill Long Thompson is either, but at this point she appears far more electable, so that's where my vote is going.
For U.S. House District 5, I'm planning to give my (throwaway) vote to Kenny Stall on the basis of his education and residence. Mary Etta Ruley also has a decent educational background, but I prefer the doctor for the Indianapolis area to the small business owner from Gas City. It doesn't really matter as whoever wins will be crushed by the Republican candidate (barring a really fierce kick out the incumbents sentiment).
For Indiana House District 39, I'm voting for Rusty Skoog for two reasons. First, I've met Rusty several times and he seems like a pretty good guy with some good ideas. Second, he's the only candidate.
For School Board, I'm going to vote for Andrew Klein and Tricia Hackett. After (briefly) reading about the candidates, these two seem the best positioned to keep the Carmel school system moving in a direction that I approve of. Plus, and I hate to admit it, I'm inclined to vote for Andrew Klein on the basis of his religious affiliation. While religion may not matter in most instances, I've seen enough of public schools imposing religion upon students, either intentionally or inadvertently, and the Jewish community has a long history of speaking out and trying to keep the separation of church and state strong in our public school system. I don't know Mr. Klein's views on the subject; they weren't listed on the materials that I could find. But, given his background, education, and employment, I'm willing to guess that his views will be at least similar to mine.
Finally (and most importantly), for President of the United States, I intend to vote for Hillary ... er ... Barack ... er ... Hil ... no, wait ... Bar ... or was that Clinton ... maybe Obama ... no, I think it was Hillary ... or maybe Barack ... damn. Would you believe that with less than 12 hours until the polls open, I still haven't made up my mind. I will say that at this point, I'm focusing on who I think has the best chance to defeat John McCain in November. I think that Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama are so close on most of the issues that their really is very little to distinguish them. Instead, the real questions become which one can stand up to Sen. McCain, which one can get voters to the polls, which one can turn out new voters, which one can attract independents, which one has less baggage, which one will incur less negative press and voter sentiment, and which one will be able to spend more time talking about the issues and challenging Sen. McCain while spending less time defending his or her baggage and skeletons. Both candidates seem very good yet both candidates also seem to scare off a lot of voters. It may be a long night trying to figure this one out. Because, of course, my vote will be the deciding vote...
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